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Water Heaters Guide

The Proper Way to Use a PlungerĀ 

Posted by Christy Cox on

If you’ve ever been frustrated by a clogged toilet, you know that plunging it is sometimes necessary. But this icky feat isn’t as easy as it sounds. You can actually do more harm than good if you’re not careful. Don’t worry; you’re likely not really doing yourself any harm by plunging your toilet. One of the most important pieces of equipment that you’ll need is a plunger. However, this step-by-step guide will show you how to use one correctly for maximum effectiveness!

1. Make sure that the plunger has been inserted as far as it will go so that the U-shaped seal sits snugly against both sides of the drain hole. Over time, this seal will become worn and need to be replaced. If the seal does not fit snugly against the hole, you may need to consider buying a new plunger, or doing your best with the one you have.

2. Next, take your hands and make sure that they are wet before proceeding further. This will allow the plunger to adhere better to the skin of your hands so that there is less chance of it slipping out of position while you’re plunging.

3. Now, take your plunger and place it directly over the drain hole. Make sure that the seal is fully settled into the drain hole before proceeding. It is important that you do this quickly so as not to lose your grip on the plunger.

4. Grasp the plunger firmly and begin pulling up slowly but steadily on the pump handle. For optimal results, do this three times a day for fifteen minutes. This will help prevent your pipes from accumulating too much debris and will help the plunger break up the bulk of the blockage.

5. Insert your plunger into the drain hole again and repeat the same steps as above for at least three minutes. Afterwards, hold the plunger in place and pump it a few times to break up the remaining bits of debris.

6. After three days, it is recommended that you repeat this process again in order to keep your pipes clear and clean. If you continue to see no signs of improvement, the problem may be larger than your plunger can break up. You may need to purchase a new “clog-buster” plumber or call a local plumbing professional to take care of it properly.

7. If you’ve never used a plunger before, it’s recommended that you start with two minutes at a time with each session so that you can get used to the process of using one properly before moving on to longer periods of time.

Many people are hesitant to use a plunger because they are skeptical about how much water can actually be removed from their drains by using one. Essentially, this depends on the severity of the clog. If you find that you are able to clear your drains easily with a plunger, you may want to get one which is designed to be scuba-diving approved. They’re designed specifically for the purpose of removing large clogs in drains and are made out of hard plastic so they won’t break while being used.

You should always use a plunger correctly in order to get the most out of it. Remember to go slowly and carefully so that you don’t break the seal. Also, you should always be mindful of the fact that the seal can wear out over time. This is why it’s recommended that you replace your plunger every three years or sooner if needed.